Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Fooling: April Fools' Day Is Old!

Have you ever stopped to wonder what actually started April Fools’ Day? I mean, yes, we all like to goof around sometimes -- but an organized celebration where an entire day is devoted to pulling pranks on each other? Only the French could be so clever. And as it turns out, they might have been!

While there is still no definitive chronology, the earliest and most popular theory dates back to 1564, when King Charles IX changed the French calendar. Their New Year had previously coincided with the celebration of Easter, in late March or early April, due to its theological significance and the symbolism of new life. In an effort to standardize with the rest of Europe, the king decreed January 1 as the start of the new year.

Naturally, since this was the 16th century, news didn’t travel quite as fast as it does these days. Those who hadn’t heard about the change, or preferred the old system and refused to change, had practical jokes played on them. The rest, as they say, is history!

Just think: you may have pulled off *the* best prank this year, but chances are pretty good that someone in the last 400-plus years has already done it… maybe even better =P

1 comment:

  1. No one could have pulled off my prank! I went back in time to the year 36 A.D. and convinced a bunch of people that I was "God". So they strung me up! I made sure I wasn't really hurt and faked my death. Today happens to be the anniversary of that! Then the following Sunday after I hide out for a couple days I went walking around town and really freaked people out! So much so that they created a whole religious movement around me! I was kind of that days "Sarah Palin". Boy what a great joke! Some people still believe it today! Too bad my time machine broke, after I went to missourri and met John Smith. I used to have so much fun with that thing.
